Walker Bio: Francis Aho

Hello! My name is Fran. I am the director of the Africa Mission Services Community Health Clinic and Birth Center. At the age of 24, I came as a volunteer nurse to help open what was then mostly an outpatient clinic. That first week my comfort zone was pushed when in the light from a Mini Maglite I assisted a woman in childbirth. Since that time, my passion for women’s health and equality in healthcare has grown. After having children of my own, I stepped out of the clinic for nearly two years – upon returning my eyes were opened in a new way to the gap in women’s health care in my community. It was then that a Crowdrise fundraiser was done and an area of the clinic renovated into a delivery room. Realizing how much I had to learn, I applied for and in 2019 completed my Certified Nurse Midwife education at Frontier Nursing University. It is my dream that one day, the local Maasai women in this community will have a women’s health care center – where they can receive respectful, evidence-based care. Yet, not only a place where they can be treated physically but where they can come and rest a while – in a place that provides them a little get-away from their life of toil. Please consider donating to a cause I believe in – and will continue to fight for.


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