Construction Projects
Africa Mission Services (AMS) went to the community and asked the elders what it was they needed. Their answer was, “schools, clinics, clean water.” This information was taken and presented to potential donors and volunteer groups – who over the years have joined the cause making these needs a reality.
Since its origin, AMS has built dozens of classrooms, schools, water projects, a health center, churches, a women’s bead shop, as well as various other community projects. Construction of these projects is done through a partnership between AMS, donors, and volunteer labor. Prior to a volunteer groups arriving, AMS organizes the materials as well prepares the construction site. We realizes that not all groups have skilled labor and that there are phases of a construction project that are not effectively done by volunteer labor. Thus, a local construction crew is engaged to work side by side with volunteers and complete certain phases of the project.
Current construction projects include completion of the Kensington Hall Oloosinon Girls Secondary School and teachers’ housing at the Oloosinon Primary School. In 2022, there are plans to break ground on a women’s health and birth center at the AMS Community Health Clinic in order to meet the growing demands.
Volunteers of all skill levels are welcome to join in the cause. By working together, we can make a difference. Brick by brick we can build a strong foundation for development – providing children with opportunity for eduction, families a place where they can seek medical care, and water to sustain life.
Please contact us to find out more about the current needs and ongoing projects!
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