Volunteers Information

Become a
Mission Trip Leader

Learn how easy it is to become a mission trip leader to the Mara with AMS.  This brochure will show you how simple AMS makes the process of becoming a trip leader and how you can do it!

Resources for
Mission Trip Leaders

This packet includes all you’ll ever need to plan, advertise, sell, and prepare for your mission trip with AMS.

Resources for
Mission Trip Participants

This information includes all you’ll ever need to
plan and prepare for your mission trip with AMS
as a mission trip participant!

Learn about the
Development with the Maasai

This booklet will help you understand what it takes to have a successful mission trip, where both the participants and the Masai people benefit.

Learn about the
Development with the Maasai

This booklet will help you understand what it takes to have a successful mission trip, where both the participants and the Masai people benefit.